Freight and the City: Keeping the Show on the Road

Logistic industry associations speak out as the new anti-pollution legislation threatens companies and their city transport contracts, arguing that the rules were set by the government and local councils without sufficient reflection on the effects they will have on freight forwarders and hauliers.

Four Industry Leaders Speak Out

I think we can all agree that the sudden barrage of new rules set by the government on haulage and freight forwarding companies to protect the environment didn’t give the road transport sector enough consideration. These regulations threaten to put city logistics out of business. However, a few industry heroes have voiced their concerns and have come up with a plan to champion the cause for haulage firms and protect their city HGV contracts.

 The Way Forward Plan

The FTA, RHA, BVRLA, and NFDA have joined forces to ensure that HGVs aren’t priced out of operating in cities. They’ve met with several MPs to discuss their six-point plan. The Way Forward plan will support clean air zone regulations, while also giving haulage companies the time to gradually invest in cleaner vehicles and make their operations more environmentally friendly. It also suggests a smarter way to use roads to avoid congestion.

Gary Keaney, chief executive of BVRLA knows that haulage companies can reach the government’s air quality target but added that we need financial support to upgrade our fleets and decrease the carbon footprint of our operations.

Sue Robinson, who is the director of the NFDA, also argued that a progressive plan was the best way forward. It would allow haulage companies the time to improve their fleets by trading in polluting diesel HGVs for cleaner Euro-6 or Euro-5 trucks.

The meeting was a success as ministers have since admitted that charging freight forwarders who have transport contracts in cities should be a “last resort”.

While juggling the increasing demand for logistics-related services and the greenhouse gas emission target set by the government is a challenging one, the FTA and its partners continue to protect the industry from being priced out.

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The article was published on . It was updated on 30 April 2024 to make it more relevant and comprehensive.
